From the Preacher’s Pen…




When it comes to living like a Christian, it never fails to amaze me what it is that amazes other people! Yes, I know that’s an odd statement, but let me show you what I mean.

So many times I hear parents wondering just why it is that their children act like they do. Now I do understand that many times children rebel and act out against the very things that they have been taught. But far too many times what they do is act just like their parents have taught them.

Here’s a brief “news item” from a religious satire site. The author’s intent is to make fun of some of our ridiculous attitudes so that we will see just how foolish we sometimes are:

After 12 Years of Quarterly Church Attendance, Parents Shocked By Daughter’s Lack Of Faith

Fullerton, CA — Local father Trevor Michelson, 48, and his wife Kerri, 45, are reeling after discovering that after 12 years of steadily taking their daughter Janie to church every Sunday they didn’t have a more pressing sporting commitment—which was at least once every three months—she no longer demonstrates the strong quarterly commitment to the faith they raised her with, now that she is college-aged.

Trevor Michelson was simply stunned at the revelation. “I just don’t understand it. Almost every single time there was a rained-out game, or a break between school and club team seasons, we had Janie in church. It was at least once per quarter. And aside from the one tournament in 2011, we never missed an Easter. It was obviously a priority in our family—I just don’t get where her spiritual apathy is coming from.”

“I can’t tell you how often we prayed the prayer of Jabez on the way to a game,” added Janie’s mother.

“You know, the more I think about it, the more this illustrates how the church just keeps failing this generation,” lamented Trevor, citing a recently-googled study by Barna or someone.

The Michelsons further noted plans to have a chat with the pastor of their church after their younger son Robert’s soccer season calms down a bit.

Reprinted by permission,

So, just what exactly is our example to our family and others? Do we find ourselves amazed that people do not see how much we love God and want to go to heaven… when we act just like the world?

Do we sing, “Oh, How I Love Jesus” while we forsake Him every chance we get to do something “better” and more “fun?”

Do we truly have our priorities straight when it comes to God and the things that matter for eternity?

Let me suggest that, if you are not too busy this week and don’t have anything else more important to do, you spend some time with God and get your priorities fixed!

On the other hand, maybe those worldly things will actually look that important to us as we spend eternity separated from God. What do you think?

— Lester P. Bagley